Summer didn't make counts today. I don't know what they are, but I'm pretty sure her platelets are low. When they pricked her finger, it bled very easy. I forgot to mention that last week, Summer's last 3 shots were a breeze. She let me give them to her all by myself. She sat in my lap and didn't whine or anything. What a way to end a cycle!!! Not sure if she will make counts or not on Thursday, but I hope so because otherwise she will be in the hospital on my birthday next week (assuming her platelets have recovered). Well, I just got the numbers: ANC 1400, white count 2.8, platelets 66,000 and hemoglobin 9.1. She almost made it. Platelets just need to be 75,000 so we should be admitted on Thursday. We got out of here quick today. This post is the only thing holding us up. :)
Looks like we've got a few more days to enjoy. I say shopping we should go! Time to finish up her Halloween costume. Oh, and a yummy lunch out too!!!
Good Luck on Thursday. Praying that all goes well.
Sounds like by Thursday, all shall be ready.
So tell me, what's her costume going to be? :D
Good luck!
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