Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Another Carseat Ordeal

We left the hospital yesterday around 1:00 p.m.  Before we could leave, the nurse had to check the carseat and walk us to the car.  This was not a good experience.  First she made me take out the head support because it was ????.  Then she commented that it didn't look fire resistant anyways.  So, she told me to put a receiving blanket around the baby's head.  This did nothing in the way of support...and it wasn't anymore fire resistant than the head support I had bought.  So, I was getting pretty upset.  Then we had to adjust the straps to fit Summer's body.  This was understandable and not a big deal.  But, she had started getting an attitude with us and I was not getting any happier either.  We get to the car, and she doesn't like the way the base is in the car.  So, we have to take it out so she can adjust the part that helps level out the carseat so the baby won't be leaning forward.  Well, she just changes it to completely the wrong way and tells us that it won't work with our car.  She then proceeds to tell us we need to go straight home because the baby's head is going to be leaning forward and I will need to sit by her (like I wasn't going to anyway???).  Then she says we need to go to Wal-Mart and buy one of those pool noodle floats and cut it into three pieces and put it under the carseat so Summer won't be leaning forward.  Oh my!!! I was pretty mad at this point because I knew the base was right in the first place and she is the one that readjusted it to where Summer's head was leaning forward.  By the time we got out of the parking lot, I was very upset.  I had to call my friend Selena to vent.  I asked her if she had left the same hospital with the head support in the carseat and she said she had.  I already knew that though I just wanted confirmation as to how crazy this nurse was.  It was she that was endangering my baby....not me.  So, we stopped at a restaurant, J Alexanders, to eat with our friends Jeff and Laurie.  I took the head support in with me and placed it back in the carseat where it belonged.  At our next stop, I took out the base and readjusted it to where Summer's head was in a safe postition and not leaning forward.  I told Clint that they need to drug test that woman because she had no idea what she was talking about.  I just couldn't get over how rude she was and then how she had messed the whole carseat up endangering my baby.  Not only that, but because I had to fix the carseat I had installed correctly in the first place, my back was killing me (and still is today).  Thanks a lot nurse!!!!  I had to call my mom and tell her the story.  She thought I should call the hospital and report the lady.  I eventually calmed down, but I'm not sure I will ever get completely over it.  Maybe when my back stops hurting me........

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