This past week was a big week for Summer with 3 trips to school. On Monday she went to a kindergarten assessment at the Bright School. She was not excited at all about going, but did end up having a good experience. I'm not sure exactly what they did, but she said they counted and drew stuff. The following day she visited a classroom for 2 hours. When we got there, she was not excited again. We walked down to the classroom and were pleasantly surprised when we saw her teacher from summer camp last year. She remembered Summer and greeted her cheerily with a big hug and I was off. I am glad I got to slip out so easily and while she had a smile on her face. When I came to pick her up, she was happy to see me. She had done several crafts/projects and had a bag full of things to bring home. She was very excited about the paper that had her name, "Summer Cobb," written on it so we may hang it on her door. She seemed to have enjoyed the day, but was still not liking the idea of school. On Friday, she had a classroom visit at St. Peter's. When we pulled into our parking space, she started pretending she was asleep. I thought she was just pretending to not feel good, but she told me later what she was actually doing. She was "nervous," all the while Lexie was excited to be getting to visit a classroom too. We were welcomed with some fruit and cake. Summer munched on strawberries and strawberry cake while Lexie ate apple slices. They both sipped on the Capri suns that were offered until it was time for them to head to their classrooms. Lexie was up and ready to go before Summer, but Summer was actually taken first. She walked down the hall with her head drooping and it made me a little sad. I walked behind her, unbeknown st to her, watching her sulk down the hallway. After I dropped Lexie off in the 3 year old classroom, I went to check on Summer. I'm not sure if it was more for me or her because I actually felt a little empty knowing I wasn't going to see her for a few hours. This will be an everyday thing come the fall, and I'm sure I will adjust quickly. Just as she will to going to school. I left the school not knowing what to do for two hours with no kiddos to tend to, but that time was quickly spent on the Internet booking airline tickets for my family. I fully intended to buy tickets to Barney too, but I ran out of time. When I picked the girls up, they were playing on the playground having an awesome time. It was such a relief to see them having so much fun. I talked to their teachers and both got great reports. Summer's teacher thought she was already in school which made me feel good. When I asked Summer if she liked it, she said she did. She liked it better than the classroom visit earlier this week. The biggest surprise of all was that when we left, Summer had changed her mind about school. She now says she is ready for school and can't wait until it starts. I am hoping they can both get into this school because they both loved it and so did Clint and I. I am not really looking forward to the restrictive aspect school will place on traveling and just everyday life in general, but I'll get over it. The girls will learn so much and I'll still get them every afternoon and on weekends. I sure do love having them in my life.
Glad to see Summer is getting excited about kindergarden. It will make it so much easier on you when you know she is having fun!!
An Invitation To All Prayer Warriors
The Prayer Warriors at Angel_Wings will be
holding a Prayer Vigil on Saturday, March 19th.
between 8-9 pm EST for all the families on our
Angel_Wings Prayer Lists and our Angel families of
children,teens and adults who have gained their wings.
We Are Fighting For Our Children One Prayer
At A Time..
If You Have A Specific Prayer Request Or Someone Who Is In Need Of Prayer Please Feel Free To Let Us Know.
Angel_Wings Prayer Warriors
Sending love and prayers for you Summer.
God bless
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