Summer and I got home from the clinic a little while ago. Her appointment was at 9:00 a.m. and we didn't leave until around 3:00 p.m. Long day in the "sick" waiting room. She wasn't really sick, but I was trying to keep her away from all the other kids/families so we don't catch a fever. And boy are we close! 99.4 when we left the clinic. Her white count was .4 which means her ANC is really, really low. Her hemoglobin was good, above 9, and her platelets were very low at only 9,000. So, we had to stay for platelets which didn't show up until around 1:30 or 2:00 p.m. We knew at 10:20 a.m. that she was getting them. It really sucks that it takes 3 + hours to get the platelets from wherever they are to the clinic. Lots of time to catch germs which could be walking by. The good thing is it only takes about half an hour to get them in her. Then another twenty chasing the nurse down....CLINIC DAYS ARE NO FUN. Not for this mommy. We did make a necklace that says I LUV TDDY. They were out of E's. :) I thought we were going to do a second one, but we didn't. Mostly we watched PBS, namely Caillou & Barney. I really like that channel because it is somewhat educational while also entertaining for her. I don't ever worry she is going to pick up something bad off that channel. Ex. Family Guy, Simpsons.... While as an adult I might enjoy the occasional episode, I do not like for Summer to watch them. I would rather delay her exposure to some things as long as possible. Kids grow up too fast already these days. And, her even faster due to this cancer.
My baby is gone, well in the physical sense I guess. Some days, like today, she is still pretty much a baby. She's been on my hip or lap all day. I'm there helping her on and off the toilet, wiping her clean. She's asked for food countless times only to eat a bite or two...I seem to be her food slave. Thank God she
is feeding herself right now. I just made her peanut butter cookies for the second time in two days. Oh yeah, and she is SUPER whiny. When she is not feeling good, whining is second nature. She really does seem emotional though and her eyes seem to tear up just hearing the tone of her voice. It is frustrating, but I know she feels like crap so I can't really blame her. I just try to figure out what she wants before she does and avoid some of the sudden emotional breakdowns. I also give her lots of hugs and kisses to let her know I care. I think we have a nap date in a few minutes too. She is watching what she calls "Baby Bop's School," but is actually called "Barney's ABC's and 123's." Whatever. We both know what she is talking about. I'm going to spend the rest of my precious alone time sitting here at the computer. Wait, she wants more food. Nevermind. Mashed potatoes & corn, here I come.
Please pray that a fever does not visit this house this week. We don't want any!
Sending her prayers that no fever occurs. Sorry to hear about your long day.
Poor baby. :(
I wish she could skip over this part of the chemo.
And I'm sorry, but making a little girl with cancer wait for hours like that is just ridiculous.
Praying that fever stays far away from your place!!!!!!
Hoping she stays healthy!!
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