Last night around 7:00, Summer started running a fever of 100.4. An hour later it was 101.1 and we were headed to the hospital. All of her counts are low. WBC is .3, hemoglobin was 7.?, and platelets were 12,000. She has already gotten platelets today and is now receiving blood. Praise the Lord for people who donate their blood and platelets!!! If you are able, you should go to Blood Assurance (or wherever you have to go locally) and donate some too. I don't know where Summer would be without people donating because she needs these products frequently. There are many others like her out there who need these products to survive. So, please give if you can!
Not sure how long we will be here. Haven't heard anything about her blood cultures yet. They are usually all negative. Only once have we actually know the cause of the fevers and that was when she had cellulitis. I am hoping the ones she is having this week are just due to neutropenia (aka lack of white blood cells). Her weight is still good at 33.2 lbs. She is not eating much now though, only one strawberry today.
Not much else to say today. Please keep praying and sending positive thoughts/vibes our way! One more cycle of chemo next month, then scans. Hopefully they will remain clear and we will be at the end of this nightmare.
I continue to pray for Summer, along with my four year old dd. My daughter loves that she and Summer share the same bright blonde locks (can't wait to see them framing your precious girl's face again), and love for dress-up. They sound very similar with the amazing things they think up, too. Summer is very special to us!
I sure will be sending up prayers for Summer.
I'm so happy that you're almost done with the chemo! We hope that cancer will be gone for good.
David hasn't had fevers that weren't horrific port infection in a long time.
And, ironically enough, I wanted to give blood but had no one to watch the kids.
Good morning Summer, hope that you are feeling better soon sweetie. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
God bless
Oh no. :(
I'm sorry to hear this, as always.
You know I'll be sending positive thoughts Summer's way.
BTW, I'm a regular blood donor. Yay! :)
Hi Summer and Mom I am so sorry you are in the hospital little one and praying your fever will be gone soon and you will be able to go home. Please know that I am thinking about you and keeping you close in prayer. Hugs and Blessings MJ/Angel_Wings
Surrounding Summer in prayers
God Bless,
Sorry you guys ended up there so soon. Praying for her as always!
I was reading Kelly's blog this morning and saw that she did a makeover for you guys...I love it! Your blog looks awesome!
Aww hope she's feeling better.
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