I finally broke down and did it. I took her by preschool. When we got there, I remembered that I had forgot to copy her insurance card and get the immunization records. I told Summer we'd come back another day, but she did not want to leave there without seeing the classrooms. When I started walking down the steps to the preschool, I got this feeling. You know, the my baby's growing up so fast feeling. Then, to top it all off, Summer says, "I wish I was old enough to go now." Yep, she's a goner. The halls were just like a school with classrooms filled with fun activity/learning centers. We also toured the playground where the kids play everyday. Summer enjoyed trying out some of the equipment. So, it looks like she is completely sold on preschool now. Of course, it is only two days a week so I'm not completely losing her. I know it might sound lame to some, but she is my one and only. I've already faced losing her once to cancer. Time with her is so precious. I'm not saying time without her isn't precious. But, I don't want to miss anything if I don't have to.
Last night we went to a carnival with some friends. The fear of rides is gone. She rode the Himalaya type ride twice without batting an eye. Willow was riding them all too. It was so awesome to see our girls just going from ride to ride with no fear and smiles on their faces.
I think we are skipping t-ball practice today. We may just practice some on our own. I think a day in the sun is just what the doctor ordered for us. Let's just hope the weather cooperates.
Glad she is excited about preschool. It makes it easier on the parents. I know what you mean. I have come to enjoy watching my grandchild everyday. I don't know what I will do when she goes to preschool next year.
I'm so happy she is soooo excited about pre-school! Kelcee is getting really excited about going too! Me not so much so I totally feel ya! Kelcee is gonna start next year 'cause the way her b-day falls she won't be going to Kindergarten until the year after next! Also we wann wait and see if I will be off of this chemo med before she starts....because of the whole no immune system issue....I'm sure ya feel me on this one.....
Hope ya'll have a great day today and hope the weather cooperates!
Carnivals are so stinkin fun! I am glad Summer is over the fear of rides....Kelcee loves them too! I took her to the Elephant Salad bar yesterday and we are going to take her to the Circus tonight yipeee....
Summer :0)
My oldest daughter is going into junior high next year and a few weeks ago they had a parent tour of the school. I was sitting in a classroom during the intro and had a flash back to when I was taking my daughter to her first day of preschool and checking out the class. It was a very emotional few moments while I thought of that. I can't believe the time has gone so quickly, so I agree with you, treasure every moment. It goes by in a flash, and when you are faced with serious illness it makes you all the more aware. You are treasuring every moment of life and building memories, and that's so important for all of us. I think Summer will love preschool!
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