Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My Valentine's Day

Today did not start off that great.  I went to Wal-Mart this morning and picked up a few things...one thing in particular was a balloon for Clint.  It said, "I Love You!"  Well, I went to workout and then came home.  When I got home, I brought in all my stuff from the car.  I sat the balloon and a bag on the front porch so I could unlock the door.  I opened the front door, grabbed my things, stepped in the door, and then realized the balloon had come untied from the ribbon.  So, I got upset.  I told Clint he should go outside so he could see his balloon floating away.  Then the tears started, but not for too long because Clint had a card and candy waiting for me which I wasn't expecting at all.  That made it all better.  Clint asked me why I am so emotional now...I told him I didn't know.  I do know...it's the pregnancy and crazy hormones, but what good is it going to do to tell him that?  He should realize that already, and I think he does deep down.  But, I guess he just doesn't realize how uncontrollable emotions can be when your hormones are raging.  Then we spent the afternoon together analyzing a potential investment.  Tonight we went to Stone Fort Inn for a 4 course dinner which Clint had made reservations for...another great surprise.  Our meal was delicious, and we had a good time talking and eating together.  Then we came home and got in the bed which is where we are now.  It turned out to be a great Valentine's Day despite the teary start it had.  I'm a very lucky woman to have such a great man by my side!!!

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