Come Friday we are going to have art galore around here! She has already given once piece away to her sister. If I had to guess, I'd say it has already made it's way to the trash or maybe it's still in her car. I have been doing a little clearing out myself lately. Not too much, but stray masterpieces are trashed if not near the actual place where they go. They have been doing several projects each day at camp. Yesterday, they painted a big picture and learned about symmetry. I think I saw 3 or 4 more art pieces of hers around the room too. They aren't sending all of it home everyday, so I'm sure we will have our hands full when she leaves camp on Friday. I hope she gets a little more excited about going in the next two days because when I dropped her off yesterday and today, she was a little sad. I know she will snap out of it when I'm gone, but still I'd rather leave her with a smile on her face.
When I picked her up from camp yesterday, I
surprised her with news that we were going on a picnic at the playground with her cousins. Of course, she lit up like a light bulb. On our way to pick them up, she decided who was going to sit by her since she knew they would fight over it if she didn't. At first she chose Leah, but then decided on Jonathon since they like to act silly with each other. It is one of her more unflattering behaviors, but I know kids need to be kids sometimes and as long as they are not hurting anyone, anythings or themselves it is okay to leave them be. At the park, we all gobbled down peanut butter and banana sandwiches. It was hot and Summer was sweating just sitting there eating, but the kids managed to stick it out and play for a little while.
After too much fun with her cousins, we headed on another family outing to dinner and the mall. We took Clint to pick out a present for his birthday. Summer thought she was going to get to pick herself something out when her Daddy told her that he didn't want anything and instead of him getting something she could. Oh what a tease he is! She did, however, go into the mall expecting only to get to play on the playground. And, she did until she was hot and sweaty and tired. She also left with 4 new pairs of leggings, but she wasn't with me when I bought them. I also have her some clothes for next summer coming in the mail. Thanks for the coupon Buddy!
Bowling was another highlight of the week. Summer loved it again. She used the rolling aide they have available for those who need it and also used her own girl power to get the ball down the alley. Although the bumpers were up, she didn't really use them too much. I think I might have tied her on hitting them....or maybe I did it a few more times. Who knows? She got several spares and even a strike or two I think. She was pretty competitive with some of the bowlers which is kind of sad for us big kids, but it's all for fun anyway. Lexie loved to roll the ball down too until she banged her chin on the rolling aide. Luckily, we were almost through bowling when it happened. It really hurt her though and she cuddled up in her mommy's and my arms for a while after that. Oh, how I love to nurture and love these precious kids who are developing who they will be in these early years.
I actually heard two older ladies talking about kids and their behavior and development yesterday at the restaurant. One was saying how at age 3, whoever is in control, parent or child, will be in control as they grow up. That's a scary thought especially in this day and age where a lot of parents don't really parent and set boundaries for their kids. She also said that by age 5, who they are going to be is pretty much developed (or something like that). The first few years are so important in setting a child up for success or failure and yet today so few are really worried about their children's well being or future. In fact, I'm not sure why some people really have kids. Too often it's not well thought out, but rather just something everyone does. Parenting is a life long committment; kids are not a commodity. Okay, stepping off the soap box. Back to the ladies, I couldn't tell if they were talking about this because of my kid who has not officially learned how to use her indoor voice or another child who was jumping and climbing everywhere or maybe it was just a random conversation I was meant to hear. It was very interesting though and good food for thought.
This week has been a family adventure for us. I wonder what the evening has in store for us.
Karaoke? Movies? Shopping again? We'll see what Summer says when she gets home from camp. Maybe we will just all sit around and play games in the living room. Before any of that happens, she has her 4 year old check up. I'm thinking she might be getting a shot, but I haven't mentioned it to her yet. No since in worrying her all day for no good reason.