Summer finally got the sleepover she was wanting at
Memaw's house - with me! Even better, two nights!!! We went up there on Thursday morning and waited for the snow. When we saw it starting, we got bundled up and went outside to try to catch some flakes with our mouths. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be, but still fun.

It was so beautiful to see the flakes falling and slowly covering the ground. The pictures just don't do it justice.

Memaw and Nanny got home from work, we got bundled up and went for our first sledding excursion. Summer absolutely loved it. She did not complain once about walking up the hill and wanted to go every time. I did go a time or two alone, but usually she was riding with one of us.

Scratch got in on the fun too. She rode in the lap of whoever was on back. When we put her on the back by herself, she usually jumped off before the ride was over. It seemed like she could not get enough of the sledding either. Of course, it
could've just been our body heat she was enjoying.

The ride started with a big push from someone to get us going.....

Everyone was all smiles while on the sled. It was really a blast!

Summer is ready for another round, even though it was dark outside (about 8:00 p.m.). Uncle Bradley had been asleep all day, so we went out again while we were waiting on the
Bama game to start. Summer told everyone that she was going upstairs the whole time the game was on. Then she asked me if I was going to go to bed. :)
LOL She is so perceptive. I don't usually watch the games with her daddy, so she just figured I'd go to bed as usual.

We waited until Uncle Bradley pulled the 4 wheeler out for more light.

After the sledding was done, Summer wanted to play "Dark Tag." Basically, tag (or hide 'n go seek) in the dark. When it was our turn to hide, we hid on the ground behind a car in the field. Summer wanted to lay down so we did. Then we made snow angels while were laying there waiting on
Memaw to find us. Can you see her little angel on the left of mine?

Here is our little snow man. The snow was not good packing snow, but I did attempt to make a snow man nonetheless. It only lasted a day because someone (probably Mr. Nobody) knocked it over. Summer and I tried to put it together last night, but it was more trouble than it was worth.

On Friday, we walked to the end of my mom's street to try out the sledding there. It was fun, but Summer preferred the yard where we started.

She was really bundled up for our outdoor excursions. Three layers on top and bottom, one being her footed pj's. Under it she would wear either tights or
pj pants and a shirt. Then we would put the off white pants on top and a big jacket. She also wore little gloves and never once complained about having cold hands. It must ha
ve been because her jacket hung down over her hands. We did have a few problems with her boots being uncomfortable with the footed pj's, but once outside they were forgotten. Amazingly, her feet never got cold either. You can really see how long her hair and eyelashes are getting in this pic.

My sister and her family came over for some more sledding and fun. The men rigged up a slide on the back of the 4 wheeler and we all took turns getting pulled behind. Clint is on in this picture. At the end of the post, there is a video of Summer's turn.

Last night, Summer made one last angel on Mom's porch. She wanted to go outside and play "Dark Tag" again, so us two went out for a bit. We did play very long because it was cold, dark and slippery, but it was fun anyway.

Guitar Hero was a fun game for the whole family, although I must say I like Rock Band better. The drums and microphone really do add to the game, especially for those who aren't good with their fingers. Summer got a little help from
Memaw this morning before we headed home.

Here are a few videos from our winter fun:
Looks like you all had a lot of fun even though you didn't have much snow. We had 4 inches here and I know what you mean it wasn't a very good packing snow to build anything.
Looks like she had a blast!!
The wind chill was too cold here for us to get to sled this time. Hopefully next snow.
Looks fun! I love the hair and eyelashes coming back, but she's beautiful either way!
Okay, I'll be honest...I didn't know you could sled in that little of snow! LOL
Now that I know, we'll do it more often. :)
So glad Summer is having fun!!!
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