Friday, February 29, 2008

Valentine's Day

This post is a little late coming, but I have finally gotten around to going through some of my picsLOL

Summer got a morning surprise when her daddy returned from working out with a balloon and candy for her.  She also got a really cool princess card from him which says, "May all your dreams come true this Valentine's Day!"  It was cute and she still looks at it whenever she comes across it laying around somewhere. 

And there are toys EVERYWHERE!!!  But, that is another subject. 

We decided to go for lunch at Tony's Pasta since I love Italian food and by golly I was going to splurge off of my pre-Mexico diet.  So, we loaded her up in the stroller after getting her all dolled up in a skirt and some pink leggings.  Any let's not forget Blackie.  He is like part of her wardrobe on some days...LOL.  I have noticed that since we have returned from Mexico, she has not had him at her beck and call like before.  She is taking a nap with him right now (Bear too).  I think she even has a towel with a bear on it in there with her...LOL.  She likes that towel.  Her nap directly followed her bath which was fun for her as usual.  I tried to teach her the difference between yellow and orange, but I'm not sure she will call the orange crayon orange.  She will probably call it yellow.  :)  I think yellow is her favorite color because my mom and I have both noticed her calling any color of M&M yellow.  The things you remember...

There I go completely off subject again.  Okay so we went to lunch and then walked up to this garden full of art to take some pics.  Summer liked crawling/climbing on the bench.  She really is a climber or as I like to call her, a little monkey.  She likes to jump too.  "I 'onna jump," she says.  She rarely does, but she is learning to use her knees so I suspect it won't be long until she is jumping all over the place.  Darn.  Anyway, we took our pics and walked home in the cold. 

After Summer's nap wewent to the mall to let her play on the playground.  She really likes it and it is nice to have an free indoor playground to go to if it is cold outside. They have all kind of things for her to climb on and a slide.  She never really wants to leave and that day was no exception.  Some battles she just can't win.  :)  Overall, our day was pretty awesome and I think I got some good pics.   

We were in the paper a few weeks ago.  There was a picture of the three of us coming across the bridge.  It was neat to see us all on our bikes, doing what we do all the time.  One of those pics you would never be able to shoot on your own, but someone else saw it and thought it would make a good picture.  So, we have had our five minutes of fame for the next 10 years.  :)  I'll try to put a scanned pic of it up on this site in the future. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sooo glad all is well for you and Summer and Clint! :) I completely understand the joy you are getting from Summer b/c I get the same from Sloan EVERY DAY! Things have been crazy for me lately, but she somehow keeps me sane and well..happy. Take care and keep in touch!