Thursday, May 3, 2007

Three Days & Counting

Summer will be one in just 3 days.  The past year has really flown by.  I can still remember those sleepless nights when she would wake me up numerous time to eat.  The nights when she was still in our room waking us up with every little noise she made.  Now if she makes a noise, I just roll over.

There are no more pacifiers (the short while they lasted).  No more swaddler blankets to wrap her in before she goes to sleep.  No more soggy breast pads.  No more staying put when put down.  Pretty soon there will be no more bottles.   All in all --NO MORE BABY.

It makes my heart a little sad letting go of my baby.  But, she is a beautiful little girl so it is worth it.  Her smile provokes conversation from even the leeriest stranger.  When she walks into a room (not literally of course), she gets the attention of almost every person in it.  In elevator, halls, stores, and restaurants, people adore her.  She is literally a doll.  She makes me smile every day.  The time I get to spend with her is priceless. 

Three more days and she is officially a little girl.  Well, I guess it is not "official" or anything, but it is a big milestone in her life.  I hope I am there for all of them. 

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