Sunday, July 30, 2006

Look what I can do

Summer has been keeping me busy.  I love to spend time with her and play with her which is good because she loves it too.  She is definitely a mommy's girl right now.  I'm sure it is because she is with me most of the time.  One day I hope she will be a daddy's girl, but it will probably be a year or so before that happens.  Clint isn't as comfortable talking baby talk as I am.  I could just sit and talk to her all day long and some days I do.  She has started talking to us in her own way....Clint really gets a kick out of this.  The other day I was holding her in my arms (cradling) and she started talking to me.  I made the noise/word back and she did it again.  We went back and forth a few times.  It was the coolest thing she has done so far.  So now we will try to start these "conversations" with her.  This is Clint's favorite thing to do with her right now, and I must admit it is pretty awesome when she "answers" us. 

She has also started grabbing the toys in her bouncy seat and holding onto them.  I have a few pics of the first time I saw her do this.  She can hold a rattle....if she wants to (1st time was July 12).  Sometimes she hits herself in the head which she does not like.  She is definitely becoming more interactive which is fun for her and us.  

Another thing that she is really into right now is sucking her hands...well actually it is mainly the left hand.  She found them about a week ago, and now she sucks them all the time.  My mom is worried about this a little because when I was younger she had a friend whose son sucked his middle two fingers for years and years and those are the two fingers she likes the most.  So, we don't want her to get into this habit.  When I notice her doing it, I take them out and try to give her the pacifier.  She will take it sometimes, but she is not as interested in the pacifier now that she knows she has fingers.  The other day she woke up from a nap, and I went to pick her up.  She had a little bit of blood on her lips and in her mouth.  The only thing I can figure is she was chewing on her fingers and her fingernails cut her lips or gums or something.  I never could find the cut spot, but it was all I could figure that had happened.  I was scared for a minute, but when I couldn't find the source of the blood, I figured it wasn't anything to worry about...there wasn't that much blood anyway. So, now I have to try to keep her fingernails cut so she doesn't do this again.  It is hard though because she doesn't "let" me cut them...I have to do it whenever I can get her to cooperate.  She also looks like she is chewing on her tongue sometimes which is weird looking.  

Okay, I've got to go tend to Summer.  I will try to update more often so everyone reading can enjoy her as she grows up too. 



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