Thursday, June 1, 2006

Our 2nd Trip to the Specialist

We went back to the specialist today.  Summer's belly button is looking a lot better, but he still did another silver nitrate treatment.  When he looked deep inside her belly button, there was still some raw pink flesh which needs some skin to grow over it.  We have to go back next week so he can check it again.  He wants to make sure it is fully healed before he stops seeing her.  He does not think she will have to have any surgery so that is good.  Clint was able to go with me today, so I let him stand by Summer while the doctor was treating her.  I have already an emotional day, so I didn't need to be by her for this round of tears.  Before the doctor came in, we were changing her diaper.  After I got her cleaned up and was fixing to apply the A&D ointment, she decided it was a great time to pee...and poop a little too.  It got all over the paper liner on the bed...and her clothes too.  Good thing I always have two or three extra outfits in the diaper bag!  Clint was like hurry up and get it cleaned up before the doctor comes in...this is embarrassing.  I told him there was no reason to be embarrassed because babies do stuff like this all the least she does.  We had to rip off the paper a couple of times because the bed underneath the paper was soaked with pee and every time I would pull down clean paper, it would get wet.  So I grabbed some paper towels and dried it off.  I am actually getting used to her doing this, so I am not surprised anymore when it happens.  I guess Clint isn't getting enough diaper changing in...LOL. 

Other than that, I had a pretty emotional day.  The baby was crying and eating every 45 minutes to an hour.  I'm not sure if she was getting anything out of me because I pumped this morning and after that it never seemed like she was getting full or satisfied.  She wouldn't take a bottle from me and Clint did not have time to give her a needless to say we were both a little frustrated (mommy & baby).  A few times we were both crying...this is not the easiest thing I have ever done that is for sure.  I never realized how much time it takes to take care of a baby, but it is pretty much all day and all night everyday of the week.  It is kind of like being on call 24/7.  Don't get me wrong, I do love it.  But, sometimes it just seems so hard and like it is never going to end....I guess it isn' least not for the next 18 years, huh?  Anyway, I'm sure I'll make it as long as my mom answers the phone every time I call her.........she defintely helps me regain my sanity when I am going crazy.  Thanks Mom!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jen, I know how much of an adjustment you are going thru right now and I want you to know that you are not alone(even though it feels like it at times).  Any mother who is honest would have to admit that they have felt the same way at times(or most of the time,like me)!  I would love to tell you that it gets easier but it doesn't, it just varies. It moves from one thing to the next, but you WILL adjust to it.  I want you to know that you are doing a GREAT job being a mother to Summer, I couldn't do better myself...and I TRULY mean that.  It is not an easy task being a mother but you are AWSOME!!  I admire the way you have a MY NIECE Summer, you guys mean the world to me and I will always do what I can to help you-in any way that I possibly can! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!