Monday, June 26, 2006

What a Mess!!!

Everything has been going pretty good lately.  Summer has been keeping me busy so I have not posted as often as I would like.  She is taking a nap right now, so I thought I better update this while I have a chance.  She was pretty gassy last week which made her fussy at times.  Thank God for gas drops!!!  She has had some "explosions" in her diapers.  I guess that is what it supposed to be like right least according to my friend Selena.  Her baby was the same way when she was Summer's age.  So, when I start hearing "squirts" (as I like to call them) I start heading for the changing table.  Otherwise, I could have a real mess on my hands.  On Father's Day, I was feeding her and talking on the phone when I heard a "squirt"....then another.  I started getting worried because these tend to end up on her clothes (she was only in a diaper that day).  I was already dressed to go to my Aunt Leisa's house for Sunday dinner (in white shorts) so I was worried it might leak onto them.  So, I stood up to make sure I didn't get dirty. started leaking out all over the floor and the barstool and was running down my leg.  Thankfully, my white shorts were spared, but I can't say the same for the kitchen floor!  I didn't know what to do first...clean her or the kitchen or myself.  Okay, the baby just woke up so I need to finish this fast!  I laid Summer down in the floor and went over and cut the water in the sink on so I could rinse her off.  After I rinsed her off and got her diapered, I cleaned everything else.  Needless to say, now I am very scared anytime I hear a "squirt."  It is funny because when I was pregnant Clint told me how he used to rinse Amanda off in the shower when she had a dirty diaper and I thought he was crazy.  Now, I understand why!

I will try to write more later.  I have lots to share...just not enough time to do it now.  Enjoy the pics.  The first one is my favorite picture of Summer.

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