Monday, February 19, 2007

New Words

Okay, all my stuff just got erased so here I go again....ughhhhhh!

Summer has been saying a few words lately.  She says "Baby" quite often, but I am not sure exactly what makes her want to say that.  There is an occasional "Hi" and "Bye" as well.  When we are looking at books with animal pictures in them, she will mimic the sound I make.  "Moo" is "Mmmm".  "Quack, quack, quack" is "Dack, dack ,dack" (or something like that).  When I make the monkey sound, she just laughs.  I guess it is a hard one.  She pretty much tries to mimic every sound I make except "Mama."  That is still "Dada."  Oh well, I'm sure it will happen soon. 

We are in Vegas again.  We had to make a last minute reservations Friday night so we could fly out here on Saturday and watch the All Star Game.  Saturday was one of the longest days of my life.  It took us over 12 hours to get here after picking Summer up from my mom's house.  She did pretty good on the flights this time -- there were 3 to get us here.  She slept on the longest one which was good except for I couldn't move for fear of waking her up.  I wish I could've slept, but I have never been one to sleep on airplanes. 

Well, it is time for breakfast.  Summer got up this morning around 5:00 and went back to sleep at 6:00.  She is still asleep and it is almost 9:30.  I better go check on her.

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