Friday, February 9, 2007

I Feel Like a Gas Pump (or something)

Lately, it feels like Summer has been "pulling up to the pump" when she nurses.  She will start off with her head laying on my arm...looking at me.  Then she will decide she wants to look around and she will lift her head up and look around all the while continuing to suck.  It is kind of funny except that then she starts twisting the rest of her body and before I know it she is not laying down at all.  Instead, she is basically on all fours peering around the room.  I think she might be ready to stop nursing, but I am still having a little trouble giving it up.  Maybe I will be ready in the next few weeks.  I don't actually think she is getting much anymore anyway.  She has bitten me a few times in the past few days which she seems to only do on the nipple that is already falling apart...OUCH!!!  Oh well, I am going to try to hold on for a while longer and soak it up while it lasts (the bonding not the biting).

I'll write more about my trip later.  I gotta go meet Clint for an afternoon snack.


Anonymous said...

Hello, I've been following your pregnancy and your baby for a while now...well since you started the blog =)  Anyway, I wanted to give you my two cents on the whole nursing thing.  Neither one of my kids nursed. They were premature and I was not able to get them to latch on properly since they spent so much time in the NICU and got used to being bottle fed.  However, I pumped for over a year with my first one and only 9 months with the second one.  With my first I wanted to give it up earlier because it was a lot of work to pump and work but mentally I was not ready, so I kept on until I was mentally ready. One day it just clicked. I went back and forth for a long time, probably 2 months.  Until one day it just felt OK.  Don't stress out about it. I had lots of friends who ended up having babies around the same time and we were all very different. Some gave up nursing after only 1 month, others (the over-achievers!!) nursed until their babies were 18 months! it's all up to you and what feels right.  Don't stress over it. =)) One day you'll wake up and feel ok with the decision to stop. Although, you've mentioned biting a couple of times...that would be enough motivation for me!! =) Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I can’t give you any advise where nursing is concerned. Sloan was soo aggressive in the hospital when she was born the nurses and I decided breast-feeding was not for us. I do wish you luck and know that you will make the right decision when you and Summer are ready to stop nursing. Again, good luck and I hope it goes smoothly for the both of you!