Monday, August 6, 2007

A Family Portrait

Yesterday we went to get our family portrait made at Olan Mills.  Summer was immediately distracted by the rocking horse next to the door on the way in.  Darn Rocking Horse!!!  Needless to say, she was not a bit interested in getting her picture taken.  She wanted to ride the horse.  She barely sat still long enough to get a few pictures snapped...none of which were great.   But, we gave up on getting a good picture with her, and the photographer snapped a few pics of me and Clint.  We ended up getting the picture where she is grinning and biting her lips at the same time..LOL.  She is such a cutie.  It was not the best pic of me, of course, but I looked good in all of them...not.  I had one eye closed in at least one of them.   We got two sheets of just me and Clint since they turned out really good.  Overall, our mission was accomplished.  Family portrait taken.  We were just missing one member of our family...who obviously had better things to do. 

Summer did get to ride the horse while I was picking out which poses I wanted.  She loved it!!!  Clint came in there where I was and told me Summer was going to scream when we got ready to leave because she was having such a good time.  I told him she would get over it.  It really was not bad when we left there...not nerely as bad as when we left KB Toys the other day without the shopping cart she was playing with.  I hope she remembers to ask Santa for one.

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