Friday, September 29, 2006

Baby Food Stains!!!!!!!!!

Okay, so the subject pretty much says it all.  It seems like every time I do laundry, Summer's clothes are coming out with new stains...even when they are pre treated.  I consider myself the super stain getter-outer, so this is very frustrating for me not be able to get the baby food out of her clothes.  I can get pretty much anything out of clothes except BABY FOOD!  So, every time I feed Summer, off come her clothes.  When I leave her with others, I have to make sure to instruct them to take off her clothes before they feed her.  Bibs don't help...she likes to eat with her hands which  don't always stay on top of the bib.  Sometimes I am able to keep her from putting her hands in her mouths, but most of the time I am not successful.  Just when I think "she is not going to do it this time", she does it!  I know it is just clothes and she will have outgrown them in a month, but I am the super stain getter-outer! 

As for Summer, she is just growing so fast.  I love it when other people hold her because I can look at her and I just sit there and think about how beautiful she is.  I swear I don't think I could ever get tired of looking at her.  She is changing all the time now and I don't want to miss a thing.  I have not been taking enough pictures lately, but I do have a few that I can put on here. 

She is napping right now.  She didn't go to bed until 9:00 last night because we were out to dinner with some friends.  Then I had to wake her up at 6:45 so we could take Amanda to school and then go work out.  She has been down for about two hours now.  She tried to wake up after an hour, but I just left her in her bed because she wasn't crying (just jabbering).  So, she fell back to sleep.  I'm glad because I want her to have a good nap in so she will be good for my mom tonight.  I am dropping her off at 2:30 and she is going to spend the night with her.  I'm not looking forward to having to pump while she is gone, but I think I might actually have time to go get the pedicure I have been wanting to get for like a month!!!  Then Clint and I are going to a friend's house for a birthday party.  I am pretty excited about that too.  Okay, I hear the baby and I don't think she is going back to sleep this time.  I'll try to get those pics on here before the weekend is over......I hope so anyway.

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