I forgot to update about our grandson, Jaycee Leelan Cobb. He was born July 17th around 10:00 p.m. and weighed 6 lb. 6 oz. and was 21" long...at least that is what they wrote down. There was some confusion as to whether or not that was the correct amount they initially said, but I guess it doesn't really matter anyway, does it? Oh, and can you say drama? Because that night was full of it. First we wrecked our car on the way to the hospital and then when we get there the two sides of the family are in a little spat. It was CRAZY!!! It should of been a time of happiness and joy, but it was full of DRAMA! Go figure. Anyway, we haven't seen him since we visited him the day after he was born in the hospital. Maybe we will before Christmas, but you never know. I won't hold my breath!
As for Amanda, she is getting so big. Her baby will be here in about two months. I think they will name her Lexie. That is what we all call her now anyway. The middle name is still up in the air. I remember with Summer, we weren't sure really until the last week and even then it wasn't positive. At first I really wanted to name her Caprice, but it didn't end up that way. I have decided though that if I were to ever have twins, I would want to name them Casanova and Caprice if they were a boy and a girl. I doubt I would be able to get any man to agree to that though. LOL
I am getting excited about the next grandchild. I went to visit my friend yesterday and she has a two year old and an almost 2 months old. Holding the sweet little baby made me kind of want another one, but then I realized that is what grandkids are for. I can play with them for a while and then send them home. :) I have been working on a blanket for Lexie and need to get on it if I am gonna get it done before she gets here. We'll see. I haven't been very committed to it. I looked at the finishing directions the other day and I don't even have a clue how to put all of the 52 pieces together. I will definitely be going to Wal-Mart for some advice from one of the fabric ladies.
I better get off here. I've got a million things to do before Saturday and they aren't getting done right now!