Monday, February 12, 2007


Summer has started throwing tantrums recently....and I DO NOT LIKE THEM!  But, who does?   If she does not get what she wants, she will scream and cry until she either gets it (which I am not doing if I can help it) or forgets about it and moves one.  I like it when she does the latter...and quickly please!  I am trying to ignore her when I know she is just trying to get her way and it is not in her best interest to give her what she wants.  The pediatrician actually told me that I should do that when we were there last week.  I definitely do not want this to become a habit, so I am going to try to nip it in the bud from the get go.  She actually threw a little tantrum last night when I put her to bed.  This was the first time she did this, but, thankfully, it did not last long.  She also has started to whine which is a little more subtle, but I don't want to teach her to do it either so I am trying to teach her positive ways of getting my attention.  I really can't wait until she can talk...or learn to sign.  That would really be great, but I have not been that consistent using the signs.  I am really going to try to focus on that this week.  I want to teach her "more" so hopefully she will sign "more" when she wants more to eat instead of whining when I am feeding her too slow.  Oh yeah...and "Mommy"...that would be great!  That would count as her saying my name too right?  We'll see how it goes.  I can always wish, can't I? 

Well, it is late and I am going to bed.  I finally got the pics on the computer tonight so I will try to post them in the next few days. 

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