Sunday, August 13, 2006

Unconditional Love

I really feel tht I know what the term undconditional love means now that I am a mom.  Having Summer in my life has really made me aware of how it works.  I love her when she is smiling and happy...even when she is fussy and crying, I love her to death.  There are no conditions on my love for her.  I hope I can learn to apply this to all those I love.  I think I do for the most part, but sometimes when things are not so great or I don't get my way, it is easy put conditions on things or get mad and not be nice like I should be.  There is that saying, "Treat others as you want to be treated."  It is not always easy to apply, but it is something I want to do more.  I think it will make my relationships with others...especially my husband...stronger.  Clint and I do have a great relationship.  I don't think I could ask for much more.  I know he loves me and I love him too.  But, of course every relationship has its moments.  It does seem like our love is growing more and more as the days go by and that is a great feeling.  It is pretty easy to unconditionally love Summer...although sometimes I do get discouraged.  But, all it takes is a little smile or coo to snap me out of it.  I would never be mean to her though.  It just doesn't seem possible to me right now.  Although one day when she is older I'm sure it will seem to her that I am being mean. 

Anyways, I am just sitting here listening to her on the monitor waiting for her to fall asleep.  It is time for her morning nap.  I really like this whole schedule thing.  Although the times aren't always exact and sometimes I am on the go, it is nice to know that she is about ready for her nap so I can get some things I need to do done.  She usually takes about 3 naps a day, and I don't really count them if they are less than a half hour.  5 minutes is not a nap!!!  She eats about every 3 hours and in the evening between her last two feedings, I give her some fruit.  Yesterday she had applesauce for the first time and seemed to enjoy it.  The only fruit that hasn't worked so far is pears.  I think it gave her a tummy ache, but I'm not positive.  I might try it again in a few weeks. 

Well, Clint just called and ordered some lunch.  He just picked Amanda up from her boarding school for the last time.  She is coming home to stay this time and we are excited to have her back with us.  I really want her to build a relationship with Summer, and I hope she does too.  She is 16, so we will see how they do with each other.  Okay, gotta get to that lunch before he gets home.....

Oh yeah, I didn't take many pictures this week, but here are the two I did take.  She got a swing from my friend and she seems to like it. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the pics of Summer - she's such a pretty little baby - you're lucky she naps three times a day, I've got a 2 year old and I'm lucky if she takes one nap.  As a Mom I totally agree with the unconditional love - actually I think most Moms would.  I bet Amanda will be happy to get home for good - it will be interesting to see the dynamic between your two girls because there is such a large age difference.  At least you don't have to worry about them sharing toys!   Leene