Sunday, August 27, 2006

New Sleeping Arrangements!!!

I put Summer in her bedroom last Thursday night.  She got up around 5:30 to eat and then I took her to my room to finish out the night since we had to be up in an hour anyway.  She did not give me any problems when I put her to bed.  She went right to sleep as usual.  She is pretty good about falling asleep on her own.  The next night she spent the night with Auntie Erin, and last night I put her in her room again.  She got up to eat around 4:40, but went back to sleep in her own room afterwards.  She got up around 8:40 this morning.  When I got to her room, she had rolled over and was looking at her mobile.  I like this new bed better because there are more things to entertain her here when she wakes up than in the pack-n-play she has been sleeping in since we brought her home.  If she does manage to roll over in the pack-n-play, she is usually under the changing table and I can't imagine looking at it is very interesting.  I put her down for her nap about 10:15 and I can hear her sucking her hands now.  It looks like this was one of those short naps she has been taking since we have been home from San Diego.  Maybe I will get lucky and she will take a long one later today.  Anyways, my baby is growing up...she's in her own room now and seems to like it.  Time flies by........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sloan sleeps in her crib and has every night since she came home from the hospital, but it is still in our room. I guess when we move, which will be (hopefully) in the next two months, would be a good time to make the switch to her own room.  I am glad Summer did so well!