Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Miss Piggy

Summer is doing good; she is growing so fast.  She really likes to eat...about every 2-3 hours (closer to 2).  That is why I call her Miss Piggy.  I wish she would go a little longer in between feedings because I've heard she should be eating about every 4 hours, but I guess it is fine the way it is.  I don't mind feeding her.  I actually enjoy that time to just look at her and hold her in my arms.  But, I don't want to her to be eating too much and gaining too much weight.  I know it doesn't really matter because I'll love her any way.  I just want her to be healthy.  She has been spitting up a little lately.  I'm not sure if it is because she is eating too much at once or because she is not burping enough. 

I can't wait until she starts playing with things and interacting with me more.  Now when I lay her down in one of her activity gyms she will lay there for a few minutes and then start crying.  Sometimes she will go a little longer if I lay her on her tummy.  Last night I played with her for about 30 or 45 minutes in one of the activity gyms.  I'm not sure she was actually playing, but she seemed content which made me happy.  Sometimes when you put her on her tummy, she falls asleep.  I think she really likes to sleep on her belly.  My mom told me when I was a baby, the doctors would not let babies sleep on their backs.  Now, it is the opposite.  It is funny how their opinions have changed over the years...not just on this, but many things.  I looked in my baby book and when I was one month old, my mom was allowed to feed me cereals and fruit.  At 2 months, he added veggies.  At 4 months, he added meats.  By 6 months, I could eat all food, drink 2% milk, and take vitamins.  Now, they recommend that you wait 6 months to feed them anything other than breast milk or formula (maybe cereal, but I'm not sure about that). 

Well, Summer is being quiet so I am going to check on her.  Hopefully, she is asleep.  Clint, Summer and I already took a 2 hour nap together earlier today, but lucky for me she takes more than one a day right now!

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