Monday, April 23, 2007

The Perfect Combination: Drool & a Snotty Nose

Summer and I are playing on the back porch right now.  Well, I am writing this post and she is playing.  I figured I would go ahead and write this because she is entertaining herself.  She is pretty good about playing by herself.  At times, she does want me to play with her.  But, other times she is just in her own little world. 

Have I mentioned that she is an absolute doll lately?  Jabbering and laughing up a storm....oh yeah, and DROOLING!  The drool has never been so bad.  There is a ring around her shirt collar almost all of the time these days.  Of course, the shirt she has on now is also wet from the ice she is playing with.  I dropped my full (that's right FULL) cup of water on the couch.  Luckily, the blanket caught it and I just dumped the blanket on the back porch.  When she found it, she started picking it up and putting it in her mouth.  Of course she did!  Everything goes to her mouth right now.  I really don't understand why, but I will be happy when she outgrows that.  It is disgusting sometimes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sloan is a drool and snot machine too! She has been fighting that runny nose AND cutting the four teeth soo it is really bad right now! The pic of Summer with the pop tart is adorable! She has such a cute smile! Sloan is good about amusing herself most of the time too. And it sounds like you are ready for another baby. ;) Paul is but I need a little more time. :)